Fouling Mitigation

Minimize the far-reaching impact of fouling

Process antifoulants can help operators avoid significant issues that impact the bottom line. Units that are fouling have less throughput, are at risk for corrosion, operate inefficiently (e.g., heat transfer), likely to shut down for equipment repair, and lack the flexibility to efficiently process.

Halliburton Vasu’s antifoulant programs offers operators the ability to identify issues and put in place remediation and preventable long-term solutions.

Our solutions limit the deposition of material (inorganic and organic) on heat-transfer surfaces in high-temperature environments, minimize the contact of corrosive fluids on metals, react with radicals to create stable molecules, and reduce catalytic activity of metals to reduce polymerization. Together, they help our customers:

  • Control operating and maintenance costs
  • Enhance unit efficiency
  • Improve equipment reliability
  • Improve product quality
  • Increase throughput, production and revenue
  • Meet health, safety and environmental regulations
  • Protect assets without frequent equipment cleaning and replacement


  • Preheat antifoulants
  • Furnace antifoulants
  • Dispersants
  • Metal deactivators
  • Polymerization inhibitors

To request a copy of one of the following documents, contact Halliburton Vasu Solutions.

Chemistry Reduces Fouling Case Study
Overhead Filming Amine Case Study
Ethylene Furnace Anitfoulant Case Study
Chloride Salt Control for FFC Fractionator Case Study
Chloride Salt Control for Reforming Unit Case Study
Chloride Salt Control for Refinery Process Streams Sales Data Sheet
Refinery Treatment Capabilities Sales Data Sheet
Petrochemical Treatment Solutions Sales Data Sheet