Carbon Black

Carbon Black technology to drive reliability

Halliburton Vasu has a successful history of providing engineering and customized chemical solutions to Carbon Black manufacturing assets where reliability is key.

Our product suite includes a proprietary antifoulant technology that has been used successfully to reduce reactor tip fouling and minimize off-spec product make. In head-to-head field trials, this chemistry outperformed other technologies commercially available at significantly lower dosages.

Halliburton Vasu also offers a unique chemical solution to the Carbon Black industry to achieve a total sulfur reduction in feedstock. With a combination treatment package consisting of a proprietary H2S scavenger and deashing aid, Halliburton Vasu has successfully reduced the total sulfur content by 4 percent for one of our Carbon Black customers.


  • De-ashing aides
  • H2S scavengers
  • Total sulfur reduction aides
  • Reactor tip antifoulants
  • Hot loop process simulator (HLPS) fouling rig studies
  • Detailed hydrocarbon lab testing
  • Performance dashboard service review
  • Slurry oil tank cleaning

To request a copy of one of the following documents, contact Halliburton Vasu Solutions.

Carbon Black Processing Solutions Sales Data Sheet
Proprietary Antifoulant Reduces Fouling in Carbon Black Plant Case Study